

[G] Schedule for 2025 Spring Graduation and Required Documents

If anyone who is planning to graduate in this semester, please refer to the following information.
Every graduation document should be submitted to the academic staff in the ECHE Administrative Office (Bldg.104, Rm.401-10).

※ Students who were eliminated from last semester’s thesis defense and are preparing to plead again have to apply for graduation and the Nomination of These Committee.

  • Notification for graduation (Degree conferment)

① Students planning to graduate must apply for graduation.
(‘Registration for Graduation’: Portal→Graduation→Request for Graduation (~May 23(Fri))
② Please use attached ‘Guideline’ to check whether you have followed guidelines of thesis writing properly and submitted related documents. Please remember that your thesis will be kept and recorded afterwards and make sure you comply with the guidelines.
③ Please be noted of template change. When using the template also read the guideline carefully.
④ Procedure of nomination of thesis committee and submitting related documents has been changed. Please read the attached manual carefully.
⑤ Please observe the research ethics when writing your thesis, and be fully aware of the contents written on the research ethics pledge. Fill in the ‘Pledge of Observance of research ethics’ form and submit it to your affiliated college(school) administrative office by the deadline of nominating thesis committee(~May 28(Wed))
⑥ Contents announced in this announcement includes common graduation requirements. Each department(School) or major can have own requirements, so please double check your affiliation‘s requirements.

  • Guidelines for thesis defense

① Defense Guidelines (Deadline: June 20(Fri))
– Student and advisor can discuss and choose how to conduct thesis defense among following 3 options : Offline Defense, Online Defense, Simultaneous On&Offline Defense (The same criteria will be applied if student can’t enter Korea, but students must follow advisor’s guidance)
② Guidelines for related documents
– Using E-Signature is permitted. But be sure the file resolution is not too low.
– Nomination of Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Examining Committee: Students should nominate the thesis committee through portal. Committee members'(Except advisor) signature can be omitted (Only obtain student and advisor’s signature) (Electronic signature is allowed)
– Masters Thesis Doctoral Dissertation Approval Form: All committee members’ signature must be obtained. (Electronic signature is allowed)
※ When obtaining e-signature, ① Insert the electronic signature picture file into MS Word format or ② Use the PDF form attached and submit it in one document

  • Related Schedule
Date Things to
~ May 23(Fri) Registration for Graduation
Portal Graduation Request for Graduation (~May 23(Fri))

Nomination of Thesis Committee(Through Portal)
Portal → Graduation → Thesis/Dissertation Info → Graduate Thesis Management → Input your information → Print out the form → Get Advisor & Committee’s signature → Upload through Portal → Submit to your College(School) administrative office
*Portal Input : ~May 23(Fri)
*Submission of signed application form : ~May 28(Wed)
* Submission of Pledge of observation of research ethics pledge: ~May 28(Wed)
※ Foreign Language Test: Portal > Academic Affairs > Student Registry > Change Student Info > Upload the test score file in the ‘Foreign Language Test’ tab

~ June 20(Fri) Composition of Thesis Committee
– Master’s Degree : 3 members(Outsiders with a doctorate in a similar field can be appointed up to one of the dissertation examiners)
– Doctoral Degree : 5 members (Outsiders with a doctorate in a similar field or Faculty members from other departments shall be appointed as one or more of the dissertation examiners, and there shall be three or more faculty members of UNIST.)
– Student should submit the thesis/dissertation to the committee members 15 days before the defense.

※Thesis Defense
Plagiarism Judgment
– The result of plagiarism checking should be submitted together with the thesis/dissertation
– If the result of plagiarism judgment is 20% or more, students must submit plagiarism judgment form.
Turn-it-in (Plagiarism checking program)
UNIST Library website→Research Supports→Plagiarism Prevention Tool→Turn-it-in
(Details are announced in the website.)
– Turn-it-in Inquiry: Yulee Kwon, Library Team (Tel: 1405,
– Judgment Inquiry: Educational Affairs team or ECHE administrative office

~ June 27(Fri) Submission of Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form (Submit to ECHE Administrative Office)
* In case the result of plagiarism judgment is 20% or more, submit plagiarism judgement form together
June 2(Mon)~July 11(Fri) Exit interview
June 23(Mon)~July 11(Fri) Application for graduation clearance
July 14(Mon)~July 18(Fri) Submit your electronic thesis file: July 14(Mon)~July 16(Wed)
Hardcover Submission: July 17(Thu)~July 18(Fri) Submit to the Library: 3 Copies each


ECHE Academic Staff: Minjung An (052-217-3557 /