Research Center
UNIST Seawater Resources Technology Research Center
Representative | Youngsik Kim of ECHE Professor. | Vision |
Mission |
UNIST Battery R&D Center
Representative | Kyeong-Min Jeong of ECHE Professor. | Vision |
Mission |
UNIST Next-Generation Catalysis Center (NCC)
Representative | Jae Sung Lee of ECHE Professor. | Vision |
Mission |
UNIST Perovtronics Research Center (Perovskite electronics)
Representative | Sang-il Seok of ECHE Professor. | Vision |
Mission |
UNIST SMILE Center(Spent plastic and Microplastic up-cycling for Industry,
Life and Environment through bio-chemical convergence Center) |
Representative | Young Hwan Kim of ECHE Professor. | Vision |
Mission |