2023.03.15JooHyeon HeoResearch Unveiling the Role of Electrode-level Heterogeneity Alleviated in Si-graphite Electrode Under Operando Microscopy Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Energy Storage Materials.
2023.03.01JooHyeon HeoResearch Controlled Growth of Perovskite Layers with Volatile Alkylammonium Chlorides Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Nature.
2023.02.27JooHyeon HeoResearch Deep-learning Optimized DEOCSU Suite Provides An Iterable Pipeline for Accurate ChIP-exo Peak Calling Their findings have been published in the January 2023 issue of Briefings in Bioinformatics.
2023.02.21JooHyeon HeoResearch Immobilizing Low-Cost Metal Nitrides in Electrochemically Reconstructed PGM-Free Oxy- Surface for Exceptional OER Kinetics in AEM Water Electrolysis Their findings have been published in the December 2022 issue of Advanced Energy Materials.
2022.12.22JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Student Honored with the 1st Wonik Award! The award presentation ceremony took place in the Westin Josun Hotel in Seoul on December 20, 2022.
2022.11.17JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Signs Cooperation MoU with Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. The signing ceremony of MoU between UNIST and Samsung SDI took place on November 17, 2022.
2022.11.16JooHyeon HeoResearch UNIST Celebrates Researchers on Highly Cited Researchers 2022 List Ten UNIST researchers distinguished themselves with inclusion in the 2022 list of Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Plc.
2022.04.25JooHyeon HeoResearch Researchers Develop Mussel-Inspired Adhesive Binders to Improve Aqueous SAB Performance Their findings have been featured on the outside cover page of the March 2022 issue of J. Mater. Chem. A.
2022.03.11JooHyeon HeoResearch Roadmap for Finding New Functional Porous Materials Their findings are expected to accelerate the discovery of future MOPs and their applications of cage-based frameworks.
2022.03.10JooHyeon HeoResearch Direct Propylene Epoxidation with Oxygen, Using Photo-Electro-Heterogeneous Catalytic System The findings of this research have been featured as the cover of Nature Catalysis ahead of its publication.